Wright success Institute (WSI)
Welcome to the WSI Campus
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Home Office “Learn & Earn”
We build Strategic Plans, Game Plans, Success Guaranteed!
We build strategic plans.
WSI Professor Wright makes it possible for you to “Learn & Earn” from home 100% online. It is easy for you to do. Begin today… FREE!
FYI: Video can be a bit slow to load. Some are in HD, but most are not. Please be patient. Thank you.
(This is our New Website Under Construction & Launching Soon!)

Core Value
Success is defined as “the gaining of something desired, planned, and attempted. WSI Success Advocates are all trained by Professor Wright with the promise of “Success Guaranteed” for Anyone, Anytime Anywhere!
Professor Wright has a proven track record for over thirty years at all levels of government, corporations, and individual people all across the country as an education leader, both academic and vocational.
The WSI has made virtual, this adult “Earn & Learn” program based on our proven “Pathfinder Project” that is entirely (100%) online from home or anywhere you have access to the internet and a smart phone or computer to gain, knowledge, skills & money!
Game Plan: Strategic Planning From the Basics to the Finer Details

The Pathfinder Project is presented in a “Game Format” designed to “guide” your development and execution of a world class strategic plan for your success. The entire project is confidential and your Pathfinder Project Portfolio is protected for privacy.
The finished product of our “Earn & Learn” program is a written Strategic Plan presented to you as a (PDF) online booklet. In addition to the knowledge and skills you will gain, you can earn serious money depending on the choices you make relative to our “Team Building” options.

100% Virtual
You can begin today by navigating to the contact page and sending Professor Wright a confidential message to begin a dialogue with WSI and “The Pathfiner Project.” We will then create a private password protected Player website for you on our 100% online system.

Information Library
All the information you need or want to guarantee your success is available in our online library 24 hours a day. Coaching and consulting is available by email, chat, and blog with written transcription.

Test & Quizzes
You will find NO tests or quizzes at WSI! Our “team building” methodology for the development and execution of a strategic plan is based purely on guiding Socratic questions and answers focused on your success.

Office Hours
No office hours. We are available online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year around, with reasonable response times, to support planning and execution for all contingencies required for success.

Phase 1
Starting With The Basics
Basically, at WSI. we are literally about touching all the “bases.” Our Pathfinder Project Services are provided in a “Game Format” based on an old sand-lot baseball game called “work-up.” We are going to help you “work” your way “up” to success achieving what you want to get.
Professor (Coach) Wright can and will guarantee your success if you want to “play ball” with us, agree to play by the rules, and never quit….just that simple. So, the first question you will need to answer is: Do you want to play ball with us? (Yes or No) The second question is , “Do you know what “It” is you want to achieve?” (Most “Rookies” are ambivalent about “It.”) We begin our consultation/coaching process, with your answers.
Finer Details
This website, WSIcampus.com, is for the purpose of introducing The Pathfinder Project to the General Public. Our companion website, WSIField.com, is where we actually play the game of “Work-Up.”
Work-UP is a game where all new players (Rookies) play 7 different positions (fielders) to construct a strategic plan for success, defined as the gaining of something desired, planned, and attempted.
Rookie Players are assigned a veteran player (Coach) as the primary contact (at all times) on Wright Field where all “play” is performed for privacy reasons.
The field manager (Umpire) manages all play on Wright Field. You may, of course, appeal any decision to the League Commissioner (WSI Professor Wright).
FYI: Most players develop their strategic plan in a matter of a few days, but some take longer. The execution of this Earn & Learn strategic plan has several options for your investment of time and resources.
Strategic Planner "Fielder"
The goal for phase one of the Pathfinder Project is the Strategic Plan developed in an online Portfolio. There are seven basic parts of your strategic plan portfolio for you to achieve sequentially. These 7 “fielder” positions (three outfield & four infield) are listed and briefly described below:
(W)right Fielder
This is my “signature position,” and perhaps is the most important position. (WHY?) Statistics clearly show that most successful people have a written “VISION Statement.” For example, my Vision Statement is: Success Guaranteed for Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere.
Center Fielder
In this position, you will develop a clear and concise “Mission Statement.” Your mission is your work, what you do to achieve your vision. For example: My mission statement is simply; Success Advocacy. I am an advocate for the success of others.
Left Fielder
The Left Field Position at WSI is all about your core values. What matters most to you. Clarification matters much more than most people think relative to success in life. For example, my purpose is focused on the relationship between Justice, Education and Success.
Short Stop
The “infield” position of short-stop, is all about self-evaluating your “current reality” (sports athleticism). We will evaluate your knowledge and skills from four perspectives: personal, professional, political, and philosophical, so we know where to begin our work.
Third Base
The “hot Corner” is where you begin clarifying and developing “roles & goals” from the personal perspective. This is about you and your family, friends, and other important relationships that should be considered relative to your time and energy focused on success.
Second Base
This is the “keystone” position for most working people as the focus is on “roles & goals” and “rules & tools” of the world of work, or professional perspective. We will identify knowledge and skills required for the level of achievement you want.
First Base
First things first!. You will never get to “first base” unless you understand this power position. Politics is all about power (influence), based in relativity, where relationships are primary. Once again, identifying roles and goals is essential for your success.
Team Builders "At Bat"
In phase two, you have “fielded” a Strategic Plan and now it is time to execute youe “team building” goal and objectives if that is in your plan. . You can either “walk away” or “hit away” by declaring your intention to the Umpire:
Walk Away
When a Fielder works-Up to bat, they may declare, to the Umpire, the decision NOT to bat for the team and simply “walk away” and not “Earn” money as a Team Builder.
Any player on the field (fielder or batter) can “Scout” (go to bat) for the team and receive a cash gift card as thanks for referring a new player to Wright Field, as a thank you.
Hit Away-Single
Your FIRST “SLUGGING” option is to hit away and reach first base with a “Single,” by “Coach/Pitching” one (1) new player (Rookie Fielder) develop their strategic plans. You can receive a cash gift card for reaching this “at bat” objective successfully, each time you do it.
Hit Away-Double
Your second “SLUGGING” option is to hit away and reach second base “coach/pitching” (3) Rookie Fielders on your Team to develop their strategic plans. You can receive an additional bonus gift card for reaching this “at bat” objective successfully.
Hit Away-Triple
(Your third “SLUGGING” option is to hit away and reach third base Coach/pitching six (6″ Rookie Fielders develop their strategic plans. You can receive an additional bonus cash gift card for reaching your “at bat” objective successfully.
Hit Away-Home Run
Your fourth SLUGGING option is to hit away and hit a home run, “working-up” to become a Catcher/Consultant to from one to nine Pitcher/Coaches. Yep, another bonus cash gift card.
Hit Away-Grand Slam
Your best and final (SLUGGING” option as a Coach/Pitcher is to hit away and “round the bases” with a home run with nine (9) rookie fielders. You can receive an additional bonus cash gift card for reaching this “at bat” objective successfully.
Game Over?
Maybe not. It is essential that you understand that “for any specific player on your team,” you can be either a pitcher, catcher, or umpire. So, you can be EARNING money in different ways at the same time! More about that later.

Success Achieved
Professor Wright has served government agencies at all political levels as an administrator and consultant developing and executing strategic plans for success in the public interest all across America.

Success Achieved
The Pathfinder helped many upper and middle management corporate workers achieve success as they advanced their goals and objectives for business success and securing their roles at home, as well.

Lifetime Learners
Success Achieved
Thousands of younger and older people developed Pathfinder portfolios with strategic plans. It is difficult to measure how many executed these plans successfully, but many did.

Latest From Our blog
Strategic Plan Why?
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Follow The Money
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Start Transforming Your Life Today Here At WSI With Us
Learning to plan for, and achieve, success in life is the smartest thing a person can do in life. The WSI Stratgic Planning “learning option” is an excellent way to do that at any age, “cradle to grave.”
Earning money while on your pathway to success is an excellent and proven way to gain critical skills that will help you actualize your WSI Strategic Plan to achieve success in you life.
Achieve Success
What you want matters! Failure to get it is not an option at WSI. We guarantee your success with our Pathfinder Project strategic planning and team building program of learning and earning.